Quantum Fugue

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Quantum Fugue
Quantum fugue mutation.png


ID?Use this ID to wish for the mutation
(example: mutation:QuantumFugue)


Reality DistortingReality distorting mutations
cannot be used under
the effects of normality.


Quantum Fugue

You quickly pass back and forth through time creating multiple copies of yourself.

Inhabit the body of the healthiest copy when the effect expires.

Duration: (level based)
Copies: (level based)
Cooldown: 100 rounds

Quantum Fugue is a more powerful variant of the Temporal Fugue mutation. When a creature activates it, it creates multiple copies of that creature. The number of copies and the duration for which those copies exist scales in the same way as Temporal Fugue; see that page for more information.

Improvements relative to Temporal Fugue

Relative to Temporal Fugue, Quantum Fugue has a few advantages[1]:

  • It has a lower default cooldown of 100 rounds, relative to Temporal Fugue's 200 rounds.
  • At the end of Quantum Fugue, the original creature swaps into the body of the healthiest copy (measured by number of remaining hitpoints).
  • Quantum Fugue is unaffected by sources of normality, such as normality gas or the RealityStabilization part.

However, unlike Temporal Fugue, the cooldown of Quantum Fugue is unaffected by creatures' Willpower.


  1. XRL.World.Parts.Mutation.QuantumFugue