Fitted with cleats

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fitted with cleats

Boot, Exoskeleton





Tinker skill

Tinker I

Bit required


AutotinkerableCan appear spontaneously on an
item you create with tinkering.


Value multiplier



OverloadableWhether this mod is power-load sensitive, and
can be further enhanced by the overloaded mod


Distorts realityWhether this item is susceptible
to normality effects




Fitted with cleats: +2-4 to saves vs. forced movement, knockdown, knockback, and being restrained.

The fitted with cleats mod provides a bonus to saves versus involuntary movement effects including Move, Knockdown, Knockback, and Restraint.

Item tier Cleated strength
Tier 1-3 +2 to saves
Tier 4-7 +3 to saves
Tier 8 +4 to saves

Eligible Equipment

Item Save Bonus
zetachrome pumps +4
3D cobblers +3
anti-gravity boots +3
flawless crysteel boots +3
kaleidocera krakows +3
crysteel boots +3
ninefold boots +3
powered exoskeleton +3
fullerite boots +3
step sowers +3
bounding boots +3
carbide boots +3
greased steel boots +3
plastifer sneakers +3
yeshyrskin slippers +3
chain boots +2
elastyne slippers +2
steel boots +2
leather boots +2
sandals of the river-wives +2
croccasins +2
leather moccasins +2
sandals +2
clay pot +2

Applicable Saves

This section is an excerpt from Save#Movement-Related Saves.

Certain items grant a bonus or penalty to movement-related saves, including magnetized boots (+4), rocket skates (-4), motorized treads (+4), cleated footwear (+2-4), and stability-based cooking effects (+6).

Movement-Related Saves
Source Attribute Vs Difficulty Attacker Attribute
asphalt (walking on) Strength, Agility Tar Stuck Restraint 4 to 24
crypt ferret bite (initial) Agility LatchOn Move Drag Restraint 25 Agility
crypt ferret bite (move) Strength LatchOn Move Drag Restraint 25 Strength
crypt ferret bite (ongoing) Strength LatchOn Continue Grab Restraint Escape 25 Strength
galgal's Run Over Strength RunOver Knockdown 35
gel (walking on) Agility Gel Slip Move 5 to 24
honey (walking on) Strength, Agility Honey Stuck Restraint 1 to 24
Hook and Drag (initial) Strength HookAndDrag Move Grab Restraint 20 Strength
Hook and Drag (ongoing) Strength HookAndDrag Continue Grab Restraint Escape 20 Strength
ink (walking on) Agility Ink Slip Move 5 to 24
Kickback Strength Rifle Kickback Knockback 15 Strength
leather whip (initial) Agility LatchOn Move Drag Restraint 14 Agility
leather whip (move) Strength LatchOn Move Drag Restraint 14 Strength
leather whip (ongoing) Strength LatchOn Continue Grab Restraint Escape 14 Strength
madpole jaws (initial) Agility LatchOn Move Drag Restraint 15 Agility
madpole jaws (move) Strength LatchOn Move Drag Restraint 15 Strength
madpole jaws (ongoing) Strength LatchOn Continue Grab Restraint Escape 15 Strength
maghammer (initial, move) Strength LatchOn Move Drag Restraint 20 Strength
maghammer (ongoing) Strength LatchOn Continue Grab Restraint Escape 20 Strength
molten wax (walking on) Strength, Agility Wax Stuck Restraint 1 to 24
oil (walking on) Agility Oil Slip Move 5 to 24
sap (walking on) Strength, Agility Sap Stuck Restraint 1 to 24
sewage eel Agility Eel Spawn Knockdown 16
slime (walking on) Agility Slime Slip Move 5 to 24
Slog of the Cloaca (ranged) / Bilge Sphincter Strength, Agility Slog Glands Knockdown 17
Stopsvalinn Willpower Robot Stop Restraint 18
Stuck (grabbed by jilted lover) Strength Grab Stuck Restraint 20
Stuck (grabbed by locking machine arm) Strength Grab Stuck Restraint 25
Stuck (grabbed by mimic) Strength Grab Stuck Restraint 20
Stuck (stuck in web or phase web created by zone generation) Strength Web Stuck Restraint 15
Stuck (stuck in web or phase web created by Spider Webs) Strength Web Stuck Restraint 15 + mutation level
Stuck (stuck in web created by Spinnerets) Strength Web Stuck Restraint 14 + (2 * mutation level)
Stuck (stuck in phase web created by Spinnerets) Strength Web Stuck Restraint 18 + (2 * mutation level)
Stuck (hit by cast net) Strength Entangle Stuck Restraint 25
Stuck (hit by honeyed, waxen, sugary, or tarry pseudopod) Strength Stuck Restraint 15
Stuck (in large pool of liquid as it freezes) Strength Frozen Stuck Restraint 15
water (walking on frozen) Agility Ice Slip Move 10