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A save is a term derived from "saving throw", a term originating from tabletop role playing games as a defensive check to see if a player will take or avoid a harmful effect. Saves are usually referred to in the context "a (attribute) save of difficulty (number)".

By default, this is a 1d201-20 (Avg: 10.5) dice roll that has the attribute's modifier added to the result. If this is greater than the difficulty specified, the "save" is successful and the attempted effect to apply will be ignored.

If a save is against multiple attributes, the best modifier is used.

Some saves are also modified by an attacker's attribute, which adds to the save difficulty.

Most saves fail when the game rolls a natural 1 (i.e. "critical failure") and succeed on a natural 20 regardless of difficulty and bonuses, meaning you always have at least a 5% chance of success and at least a 5% chance of failure.

Saves include "Vs." tagging to designate what kind of effect they are, so save modifiers can be provided for particular scopes. If any part of a save modifier's scope matches to a part of the save's Vs., the save modifier applies.

You can see the details of all saving throws performed in the game with the debug option "Show saving throw debug text".

Movement-Related Saves

Certain items grant a bonus or penalty to movement-related saves, including magnetized boots (+4), rocket skates (-4), motorized treads (+4), cleated footwear (+2-4), and stability-based cooking effects (+6).

Movement-Related Saves
Source Attribute Vs Difficulty Attacker Attribute
asphalt (walking on) Strength, Agility Tar Stuck Restraint 4 to 24
crypt ferret bite (initial) Agility LatchOn Move Drag Restraint 25 Agility
crypt ferret bite (move) Strength LatchOn Move Drag Restraint 25 Strength
crypt ferret bite (ongoing) Strength LatchOn Continue Grab Restraint Escape 25 Strength
galgal's Run Over Strength RunOver Knockdown 35
gel (walking on) Agility Gel Slip Move 5 to 24
honey (walking on) Strength, Agility Honey Stuck Restraint 1 to 24
Hook and Drag (initial) Strength HookAndDrag Move Grab Restraint 20 Strength
Hook and Drag (ongoing) Strength HookAndDrag Continue Grab Restraint Escape 20 Strength
ink (walking on) Agility Ink Slip Move 5 to 24
Kickback Strength Rifle Kickback Knockback 15 Strength
leather whip (initial) Agility LatchOn Move Drag Restraint 14 Agility
leather whip (move) Strength LatchOn Move Drag Restraint 14 Strength
leather whip (ongoing) Strength LatchOn Continue Grab Restraint Escape 14 Strength
madpole jaws (initial) Agility LatchOn Move Drag Restraint 15 Agility
madpole jaws (move) Strength LatchOn Move Drag Restraint 15 Strength
madpole jaws (ongoing) Strength LatchOn Continue Grab Restraint Escape 15 Strength
maghammer (initial, move) Strength LatchOn Move Drag Restraint 20 Strength
maghammer (ongoing) Strength LatchOn Continue Grab Restraint Escape 20 Strength
molten wax (walking on) Strength, Agility Wax Stuck Restraint 1 to 24
oil (walking on) Agility Oil Slip Move 5 to 24
sap (walking on) Strength, Agility Sap Stuck Restraint 1 to 24
sewage eel Agility Eel Spawn Knockdown 16
slime (walking on) Agility Slime Slip Move 5 to 24
Slog of the Cloaca (ranged) / Bilge Sphincter Strength, Agility Slog Glands Knockdown 17
Stopsvalinn Willpower Robot Stop Restraint 18
Stuck (grabbed by jilted lover) Strength Grab Stuck Restraint 20
Stuck (grabbed by locking machine arm) Strength Grab Stuck Restraint 25
Stuck (grabbed by mimic) Strength Grab Stuck Restraint 20
Stuck (stuck in web or phase web created by zone generation) Strength Web Stuck Restraint 15
Stuck (stuck in web or phase web created by Spider Webs) Strength Web Stuck Restraint 15 + mutation level
Stuck (stuck in web created by Spinnerets) Strength Web Stuck Restraint 14 + (2 * mutation level)
Stuck (stuck in phase web created by Spinnerets) Strength Web Stuck Restraint 18 + (2 * mutation level)
Stuck (hit by cast net) Strength Entangle Stuck Restraint 25
Stuck (hit by honeyed, waxen, sugary, or tarry pseudopod) Strength Stuck Restraint 15
Stuck (in large pool of liquid as it freezes) Strength Frozen Stuck Restraint 15
water (walking on frozen) Agility Ice Slip Move 10

Other Saves

Other Saves
Source Attribute Vs Difficulty Attacker Attribute
black ooze (going prone in) Toughness Ooze Disease 13
blast cannon Toughness Stunning Force Stun 18
Bleeding Toughness Bleeding 20 - 1 per save failed (refer to bleeding page for more detail)
Bombs (disarming) Intelligence Tinkering Bomb Disarm 9 + (mark of explosive * 3) - 4 for Gadget Inspector - 4 for Lay Mine / Set Bomb
confusion gas Toughness Confusion Inhaled Gas 5 + gas level + gas density / 10
decarbonizer Agility Decarbonizer Beam 20 Agility
Frondzie Willpower Verbal Taunt 12 Ego
fungal spores Toughness Fungal Disease Contact Gas 10 + 8 if from Klanq infection
green goo (going prone in) Toughness Goo Poison 30
Glotrot Toughness Glotrot Disease Onset 13
galgal's naser cannon grounding effect Agility Normality Naser Grounding 40 - target's flight level
gamma moth Toughness Mutation 20
green jell Toughness Melee Injected Damaging Poison 20
Holographic bleeding Intelligence Hologram Illusion 20 - 1 per save failed
hologram bracelet Intelligence Hologram Illusion Distraction 15
ickslug Toughness Melee Injected Damaging Poison 20
Immobilized Agility Immobilization 20 - 1 per 5 turns
Ironshank Toughness Ironshank Disease Onset 13
lithofex Toughness Lithofex Stoning Gaze Beam 20 Ego
Mines (disarming) Intelligence Tinkering Mine Disarm 9 + (mark of explosive * 3) - 4 for Gadget Inspector - 4 for Lay Mine / Set Bomb
Monochrome Toughness Monochrome Disease Onset 13
Morphogenetic Willpower MorphicShock Daze 10 + 1 per 5 points of damage done + (available compute power / 3) - 5 for analgesia
Normality (failing an attempt to overcome it with a mutation) Willpower RealityStabilization Daze 20
phase spider Toughness Melee Injected Phase Damaging Poison 20
poison-tipped spear Toughness Injected Damaging Poison 15
Shield Slam Strength Shield Slam 20 Strength
sleep gas Toughness Sleep Inhaled Gas 5 + gas level + gas density / 10
Slog of the Cloaca (melee) Toughness Melee Injected Damaging Poison 20
strip fly Agility Disarm 10 Agility
Stinger (Confusing Venom) Toughness Stinger Injected Confusion Poison 14 + mutation level
Stinger (Paralyzing Venom) Toughness Stinger Injected Paralysis Poison 14 + mutation level
Stinger (Poisoning Venom) Toughness Stinger Injected Damaging Poison 14 + mutation level
Stunning Force Toughness Stunning Force Stun 15 + mutation level
Stunned Toughness Stun 15
Swipe (defensive stance) Strength Disarm 25 Agility
Tonic overdose Toughness Overdose 16 + 3 per tonic over limit