Burrowing girshling

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burrowing girshling
Burrowing girshling.png


ID?Use this ID to Wish for burrowing girshling

Burrowing Girshling


arachnids (Liked99 Reputation)
Girsh (Loved100 Reputation)





Corpse Dropped

girshling corpse (8%)

Experience?The XP granted when killed. Click
"toggle detailed stats" above for
a level-based breakdown.

90 XP

XP Tier




Extra info:
  • Swarmer: This creature receives +1 to its to-hit and penetration rolls for each other swarmer beyond the first who is adjacent to its target.
  • Weighs 201 lbs

Limbs* (Spider): * Excludes limbs granted via mutations
burrowing girshling

Star orchid saliva pools at the tips of its digging fangs and drips onto pallid leg-things. It shudders in the capture of some pristine ecstasy lost to space and time, and it lets out a proud and piercing whine.


A burrowing girshling is a creature belonging to the Girsh and arachnids factions. They can spawn in caves tier 2 through 5, as well as in any shale caves.[1] They are associated with the Girsh Nephilim Girsh Shug'ruith the Burrower.

They are statistically identical to the standard girshling. The only notable difference is that, as their name implies, they can burrow underground. They are granted this ability using the mutation Burrowing. They leave layers of resin extruded by Shug'ruith spawn in the tile they just moved out of when burrowing.[2] These tile changes can be visible in previously explored cells that are not currently visible from the current player position.

Burrowing Mutation Behavior

This section is an excerpt from Burrowing#Burrowing.

When a creature is "bored" (i.e. not performing any more specific actions such as fleeing, talking, or preparing to attack) and Burrowing is off cooldown, they will disappear into the ground and begin to move around.[3] Cooldown takes 15-MutationLevel rounds, with a minimum of 5 rounds. Once burrowed, the creature will gain a new temporary ability named "Stop Burrowing". This ability disappears once the creature emerges from the ground.

While burrowed:

  • They will spawn a wall in the tile they just left, the type being dependent on the type of creature.[3] If a creature that does not usually have Burrowing obtains Burrowing via wishes, they will not spawn any kind of walls.
  • They get a Movement Speed penalty of
    100 - 10 × MutationLevel
  • They cannot perform attacks or fire missile weapons without first ending burrowing.
  • They can still activate other mutations as usual. This allows burrowing creatures to use mental attacks such as Sunder Mind or Lase while underground, if they have the requisite mutation.

A burrowing creature that is not controlled by the player will be invisible until they are attacked. Attempting to move into a tile that is occupied by a hostile, burrowed creature (despite the tile appearing empty) will automatically attack them. When attacked, the creature's burrowing is forcibly ended, making them visible again. [3]

A player-controlled creature that is currently burrowing will still appear visible to the player. However, hostile creatures act as if the creature is invisible, and do not path nor aim attacks toward the burrowed creature.


This information is reliable as of patch
  1. PopulationTables.xml
  2. ObjectBlueprints.xml
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 XRL.World.Parts.Burrowing