Lorent Epsome, Wraith-Knight Errant

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This is paid content only available to patrons.

This content can only be accessed by being a Arconaut+ tier patron of Freehold Games.

Lorent Epsome, Wraith-Knight Errant
Lorent Epsome ingame palette.png


ID?Use this ID to Wish for Lorent Epsome, Wraith-Knight Errant

Lorent Epsome


Putus Templar (Loved100 Reputation)





Light Radius?This object acts as
a light source


Corpse Dropped

human corpse (100%)

Experience?The XP granted when killed. Click
"toggle detailed stats" above for
a level-based breakdown.

25 XP

XP Tier




Extra info:
  • This creature is pettable
  • Weighs 200 lbs

Limbs* (Humanoid): * Excludes limbs granted via mutations
Lorent Epsome, Wraith-Knight Errant

Shifting in the darkness, a web of scattered light struggles to remain singular. Though bound to the shape of a monster, its form is rendered soft by millions of voxels avulsed from place, drifting down in waves of fresh static snow.


Lorent Epsome is a patreon-exclusive pet to backers at the argonaut tier. Lorent is a malfunctioning Wraith-Knight Templar whose glitches prevent it from engaging in combat. In addition, it acts as a light source with a radius of 4, equivalent to a torch centered on itself, and is always friendly to the player as a result of being their pet, even if the player has an extremely low relationship to the Putus Templar.

When taken as a pet, the player starts with the "Activated Phylactery of Lorent Epsome", which is a unique Templar phylactery. Deactivating the phylactery despawns Lorent, and activating the phylactery causes it to respawn.

Lorent Epsome's name is a reference to the common filler text Lorem Ipsum, a fact it alludes to in their conversations.


Subpage: Lorent Epsome, Wraith-Knight Errant/Conversations

Recall Story

An Uplifting Substitution

A mote of consciousness is jostled from its place when everything else breaks.

It tumbles through its very thin room, picking up clingy bits of broken information until caked with the stuff.

Undisturbed, a knowledge-dusted mote begets something bigger. Its progenitors would recoil to see it now, but it's too late for them to do anything about it.

Pet Response

Lorent Epsome, Wraith-Knight Errant is incorporeal and feels nothing.