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This is paid content only available to patrons.

This content can only be accessed by being a Arconaut+ tier patron of Freehold Games.

This article has information that is missing or not up to par.
Reason: A proper sprite is missing.
ID?Use this ID to Wish for Herman



worms (Loved100 Reputation)





Light Radius?This object acts as
a light source


Experience?The XP granted when killed. Click
"toggle detailed stats" above for
a level-based breakdown.

75 XP

XP Tier




Extra info:
  • This creature is pettable
  • Weighs 200 lbs

Limbs* (Humanoid): * Excludes limbs granted via mutations

The strangest arconaut you've ever seen has bulging skin that seems to roil underneath. Its movements are shuddery, slow, imperfect, but coordinated at least at some rudimentary level. The gait is lurching, the countenance is unnatural, but the intentionality behind its hideous smile is, nonetheless, pure.

This article looks like it has no description. You can write a bit about Herman by editing it. Remove this template once a description is added.
This article looks like it has no description. You can write a bit about Herman by editing it. Remove this template once a description is added.

Herman is a completely normal human being and not a bunch of worms in disguise


Subpage: Herman/Conversations

Recall Story

Apology Letter

    I found this paper while going through the records that Beth left behind. It's from years ago, and I don't know that she even looked at it while she was Warden, but it reminds me of the mysterious stranger who's been talking to people when they're alone. Give it a look and see if you think so too.
    Honorable Warden Betharin,

    My yma told me I had to write this or you'd put me in the gulag. I am sorry for lying about there being worms in disguise. I know that worms can't wear people skin or talk, and I made it up when I said that the worms gave me a broken crayon. I took the crayon from the schoolhouse or something, and I made Herman up to get attention.
    I am sincerely sorry. Please do not send me to the gulag.

Pet Response

Herman squishes.

Herman deforms to the shape of your appendage.

Herman groans in appreciation.

Herman makes a hideous gurgling sound.

Herman sways in place.

Herman undulates from within.