Important fish

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important fish
Important fish.png


ID?Use this ID to Wish for important fish

Important Fish


fish (Loved100 Reputation)





Charge per Use


Charge Used For


Experience?The XP granted when killed. Click
"toggle detailed stats" above for
a level-based breakdown.

125 XP

XP Tier




Extra info:

Limbs* (BipedalRobot): * Excludes limbs granted via mutations
important fish

Pneumatic and oxygenation technology has lifted the river out of itself and made it motile. Steel and chrome scaffolds the glass shell, and piston-powered legs take their watery resident about the world. Inside the cozy aquatic home, an important fish nibbles on a strand of river flora sourced from the Svy. The fish's eyes meet your own.


The important fish is the piscine pilot of a gunslinging miniature mech-aquarium. This fish's political relevance is mechanically different than a legendary creature's.

The important fish fights at range following a shoot-and-scoot pattern similar to a mysterious gunslinger. It has the Steady Hand skill, raising its accuracy with both its laser pistol and point-defense laser. Similar to an anomaly extinguisher, the important fish has an onboard fusion reactor[1] powering its point-defense laser, as well as any jacked items it equips. This creature inherits a mental shield from its robotic body.

The important fish is the only[2] creature in Caves of Qud to grant reputation to its leader[1][3], providing 1,000 reputation with Fish. Adding this value to the player's starting reputation with Fish raises it from -400 to 600.

Recall Story

An Important Fish

Just as water attenuates light, so too does it attenuate the meaning behind fish politics. Land-dwellers assume fish are simple, guileless creatures because they can't see the flash of a glistening fin-shank or hear the gurgle of a contentious reef-parley. And so it's with awed silence that they observe the important fish; they cannot mistake its significance, but they are forced to guess at explanations with their ignorant, dry brains.


important fish

*mechanical static*


*mechanical static*

[1] ... [End]

Pet Response

The important fish emits a mechanized gurgle.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Freehold_Pet_ImportantFish\ObjectBlueprints.xml
  2. ObjectBlueprints.xml
  3. XRL.World.Parts.GrantsRepAsFollower