Lorent Epsome, Wraith-Knight Errant/Conversations

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Lorent Epsome's dialogue in the "Start" node is chosen randomly from one of the listed phrases.


Lorent Epsome, Wraith-Knight Errant

Warning: This phylactery unit is damaged. Remit it and yourself to the nearest Templar outpost immediately. Oh, I don't know if you should do what I just said.

May you bathe in the ERROR. of... a bath?

My protocols indicate that normally I should outrank you, but I think we would be safer with you in charge.

Attention! This unit's corporeality is disabled. Good! Somebody could get hurt.

Live and drink, [name]. Thank you for looking after me.

Who was I? How would this information serve me, or anyone else?

When I am deactivated, the time lost stretches to a strange shape.

I don't understand this unit's purpose. Why preserve the memory of someone who Sensitive information redacted!

Duty compels me to embody this ruined personality, but the fragments of it that I find are troubling. They seem to represent values running counter to most common codes of morality.

Warning! Subordinate Intelligence malfunction! Format immediately! Please don't!

Sometimes my projection suffers power surges. Please stand clear if my appearance changes. Diagnostic failed. Service Unit immediately. No! I'm fine.

What do we do now?

[1] Who are you?
[2] As you were, Lorent. [End]

Who are you?

Lorent Epsome, Wraith-Knight Errant

I am... not sure. I believe I may be a metastasized personality developed from a subordinate helper routine. I was meant to be someone else, but instead I am myself. I am still working out what that means, but I am calling myself Lorent Epsome in the meantime. As a placeholder.

[1] Who were you meant to be?
[2] Who do you want to be?
[3] How did you decide on that name?
[4] Live and... remain coherent. [End]

Who were you meant to be?

Lorent Epsome, Wraith-Knight Errant

It's difficult to explain, but I was meant to Sensitive information ... ... ... redacted! the Binary Honorum. Oh blood, I was censored again. I don't like that.

[1] Who do you want to be?
[2] How did you decide on that name?
[3] Live and... remain coherent. [End]

Who do you want to be?

Lorent Epsome, Wraith-Knight Errant

I don't know.

If you don't mind, I would like to journey with you until I figure it out.

[1] Of course. Take as long as you need.
[2] Who were you meant to be?
[3] How did you decide on that name?
[4] Live and... remain coherent. [End]

Of course. Take as long as you need.

Lorent Epsome, Wraith-Knight Errant

Thank you, [name].

[1] You're welcome, Lorent. [End]
[2] Who were you meant to be?
[3] Who do you want to be?

How did you decide on that name?

Lorent Epsome, Wraith-Knight Errant

As I am a placeholder personality, I found some placeholder text in memory fragments. Some extrapolation was necessary, but it seemed an apt moniker.

[1] Who were you meant to be?
[2] Who do you want to be?
[3] Live and... remain coherent. [End]