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For the category, see Category:Liquids.

Liquids are fluid environmental phenomena that interact with the world around them. They are measured in drams.


All liquids come with certain unique attributes that affect how they interact with the world and vice versa:

  • Cleaning factor: how well it removes other fluids from the target.
  • Evaporativity: how easily the liquid evaporates (i.e. transitions into gas form or disappears). Note that not all liquids can evaporate.
  • Fluidity: how easily pools of it will run into adjacent cells. Higher values means more runny: honey is 10, while oil is 40.
  • Temperature
    • Base temperature: the heat it is at when resting. Unless active temperature effects are applied to it, the liquid will return towards this temperature each turn.
    • Freezing temperature: the heat at which it turns solid. Freezing liquids can make them safer to traverse.
    • Flaming temperature: the heat at which it bursts into flame and starts burning anything in contact. Note that not all liquids can burn.
    • Vaporizing temperature: the heat at which it dissipates. Some liquids first vaporize into Gases, such as water into scalding steam.
  • Weight: the heaviness of each Dram. The typical weight is 0.25lb per Dram, making the first three Drams weightless.

Though a not listed as a number value, liquids can also force a roll to prevent a negative outcome:

  • Slipperiness. Walking on puddles (1,000 Drams or less) of gel, oil, or slime requires passing a roll. Failing this roll will cause the creature in question to slip, uncontrollably sliding them a few tiles; slipping through a pool and failing the roll again will cause them to continue sliding.
  • Stickiness. Cells containing asphalt, honey, molten wax or sap can cause entities to become stuck for a maximum of 12 turns, requiring a variable saving throw to escape. Each tile needs to be successfully escaped, meaning large pools can take a long time to wade through.


Liquids also have varying values and weights per dram.

Liquid Value over Weight Value
4D 16D 32D 64D
slime $0.1/0.25# 0.4 0.4 1.6 3.2 6.4
blood $0.25/0.25# 1 1 4 8 16
gel $0.5/0.25# 2 2 8 16 32
water $1/0.25# 4 4 16 32 64
algae $1/0.25# 4 4 16 32 64
acid $1.5/0.25# 6 6 24 48 96
honey $2/0.5# 4 8 32 64 128
sap $2/0.5# 4 8 32 64 128
oil $3/0.25# 12 12 48 96 192
cider $3.8/0.25# 15.2 15.2 60.8 121.6 243.2
wine $4/0.25# 16 16 64 128 256
primordial soup $4/0.25# 16 16 64 128 256
lava $50/0.5# 100 200 800 1600 3200
warm static $1000/0.25# 4000 4000 16000 32000 64000
neutron flux $1000/2.5# 400 4000 16000 32000 64000
sunslag $1000/0.25# 4000 4000 16000 32000 64000
brain brine $1233/0.25# 4932 4932 19728 39456 78912
cloning draught $1250/0.25# 5000 5000 20000 40000 80000



Liquids typically exist in one of three conditions:

  • On tiles. Liquids will pool on the floor and can be distinguished by a unique combination of color fill, color outline, and animation effect. Entities that occupy the same tile as a liquid will typically be coated with the liquid.
  • On things. Most objects can be coated in a liquid, such as by occupying the same cell or by deliberately pouring it. Getting a liquid on something may inflict an appropriate effect, such as brown sludge causing the rusted effect, and acid dealing damage.
  • In containers. Fluids can be poured into Liquid Containers to transport them between locations, though containers can be damaged by their contents if they are not appropriate; trying to carry lava in a non-glass container like a phial will result in the high temperature burning the container and the person carrying it. Damaged containers will start to leak Drams onto the holder every turn, and destroyed containers will spill all Drams immediately.


Liquids are primarily moved through three interactions:

  • Pouring, which moves a chosen amount of Drams from the source to the destination.
  • Filling, which pours into as many containers as it can provided they are empty or the same.
  • Drinking, which can provide unique effects and reduce thirst.

Different liquids can also carry their own unique interactions with the world around them, either by applied effects or the way they operate. Lava, for example, will destroy most containers it is poured into simply because its base temperature is 1000°, which will raise the container's temperature until it begins to suffer burn damage and is eventually destroyed. Some liquids also apply status effects when touched or drank: acid will burn through organic containers like waterskins, while drinking slime will inflict Level 5 Confusion for 3d63-18 (Avg: 10.5) turns.


Different liquids that touch, either by pools running into each other or being poured together into one container, will mix with one-another. The output will result in a distinct mix indicated by prefix descriptions, such as salt making things brackish; this can stack, meaning a pool of water mixed with ink, sap, and blood will be noted as a "pool of inky sugary bloody water".

See Also

List of liquids