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Reputation is a core mechanic in Caves of Qud. Each creature in Qud, including the player character, are favored or disliked by each individual faction. The particular reasons for faction feelings are randomly generated (described in more detail on the faction relationship reasons page). Depending on the reputation with a faction, the members of that faction will be out of three different feelings:

  • Hostile- Actively trying to attack the player. Cannot be spoken to for water rituals or conversations.
  • Neutral- Has no major feeling either way. Will become hostile if purposefully struck.
  • Friendly- If the creature that the faction is friendly to is attacked, all members will turn hostile towards the attacker.
Reputation In-Game Description Feeling Other
-600 Faction Members despise you. Even docile ones will attack you.

You aren't welcome in their holy places.

Hostile Hostile Hostile
-599 to -250 Faction Members dislike you, but docile ones won't attack you.

You aren't welcome in their holy places.

Neutral Hostile Hostile
-249 to 249 Faction Members don't care about you, but aggressive ones will attack you.

You aren't welcome in their holy places.

Neutral Neutral Hostile Neutral demeanors will also be hostile in Holy Places
250 to 599 Faction Members favor you.

Aggressive ones won't attack you.

You are welcome in their holy places.

Friendly Friendly Friendly Creatures that can be pet will be allowed to be pet
600 Faction Members revere you and consider you one of their own.

You are welcome in their holy places.

Friendly Friendly Friendly


Gaining and Losing Reputation

Reputation is used as a sort of currency that can be traded, gained and lost depending on the player character's actions.

Gaining reputation

Reputation with a faction can be gained by:

+100 +50
  • Water Ritualing a Legendary creature loved by that faction
  • In water ritual, give gossip that the faction is interested in
  • Kill a legendary hated by that faction
  • Water Ritualing a Legendary creature liked by that faction
  • In water ritual, give a secret that the faction is interested in
  • Kill a legendary disliked by that faction

180-200 reputation can also be gained by using a Schrodinger page from the Annals of Qud.

Unconventional reputation gains

Depending on the faction, reputation can be gained in unique ways.

  • Donating an artifact to the sacred well will grant variable reputation with the Mechanimists based on the artifact's commerce value.
  • Completing quests will grant reputation with a certain faction
  • The council during the The Earl of Omonporch will alter faction reputation wildly in either direction

Losing Reputation

-100 -50
  • Water Ritualing a Legendary creature disliked by that faction
  • In water ritual, ask for a secret
  • Kill a legendary liked by that faction

Unconventional reputation losses

There are certain ways to lose reputation due to more specific actions, some specific to one faction.

  • Barathrumites can teach the player tinkering recipes for reputation
  • Merchants' Guild and the Consortium of Phyta will trade their most valuable item in their inventory/equipment for reputation
  • Factions based in villages will teach a recipe and/or a signature skill for reputation.
  • Using precognition to equip the amaranthine prism and cancelling the vision to unequip it will decrease the player's reputation with Highly entropic beings by -100
  • Killing any creature that the player has previously performed the water ritual with in that game will violate its covenant, decreasing the player's reputation with all factions by -90 to -110. [2]
  • The council during the The Earl of Omonporch will alter faction reputation wildly in either direction

Reputation from worn items and body slots

Some items and item mods grant and subtract reputation with certain factions while the player is wearing them. Examples (non-exhaustive) include:

Reputation granted by items stacks. Wearing a hat, cloak, and gloves made out of ape fur will give the player -300 total reputation with Apes.

Fungal infections and reputation

A fungal infection on any body slot will grant the player +200 reputation with Fungi and -200 reputation with the Consortium of Phyta faction.

Reputation gains and losses from each fungal infection stack. Players who gain many fungal infections can find it very difficult to trade with members of the Consortium, who appear in many plot-related settlements in the game.

Wearing a face on your face

Wearing a face in a face body slot gives you an Ego boost dependent on the level of the source creature, but also gives -500 reputation with the primary faction(s) that the creature was allied with. Characters may wear their own face in order to gain an Ego boost which does not affect reputation with any faction.

Reputation's Effect on Trade Prices

This section is an excerpt from Commerce#Reputation Effect on Trade Prices.

Reputation with the merchant also affects trade prices, acting essentially as a bonus or penalty to the player's ego modifier.

Reputation with merchant Bonus applied to Ego Modifier for Trade
600 or more +3 bonus
250 to 599 +1 bonus
-249 to 249 0
-599 to -250 -1 penalty
-600 or less -3 penalty

Initial Player Reputation

Upon game creation, the player character will have an initial starting reputation based on this table:

Faction Reputation
antelopes 0
apes 0
arachnids -475
baboons -300
baetyls 0
Barathrumites 0
bears -475
birds 0
cannibals -500
cats -300
Chavvah 0
Children of Mamon -600
Consortium of Phyta -10
crabs -475
cragmensch -500
Cult of the Coiled Lamb 0
Daughters of Exile 0
denizens of the Yd Freehold 0
dogs 300
dromad merchants 0
equines 0
Farmers' Guild 0
Fellowship of Wardens -150
fish -400
flowers 0
frogs -475
fungi 0
Girsh -800
Glow-Wights -650
goatfolk -475
grazing hedonists 0
Gyre wights 0
hermits -100
highly entropic beings 0
hindren of Bey Lah -200
insects -475
Issachari tribe -475
Mechanimists 0
Merchants' Guild 0
mollusks -475
mopango -150
mysterious strangers 0
Naphtaali tribe -350
newly sentient beings 0
oozes -550
pariahs 0
Putus Templar -700
robots -475
roots -475
Seekers of the Sightless Way -500
snapjaws -475
succulents 0
Sultan cult -500
svardym -475
swine -475
tortoises 0
trees -300
trolls -475
unshelled reptiles -475
urchins -500
villagers of Ezra 0
villagers of Joppa -140
villagers of Kyakukya 0
vines -475
water barons 0
winged mammals 0
worms -475

Additionally, certain options chosen during Character Creation affect starting reputation:

Chosen Trait Factions Affected Effect
True Kin Putus Templar +600 (resulting in -100)
Beak Birds +200
Carapace Tortoises +400
Horns Antelopes & Goatfolk +100
Photosynthetic Skin Roots, Trees, Vines & Consortium of Phyta +200
Spinnerets Arachnids +300
Stinger (any) Arachnids +200
Thick Fur Apes, Baboons, Bears & Grazing hedonists +100
Wings Birds & Winged mammals +400
Amphibious (D) Frogs +100
Cold Blooded (D) Unshelled reptiles +100
Burgeoning Consortium of Phyta +200
Mass Mind Seekers of the Sightless Way -200
Space-Time Vortex Highly entropic beings +200
Greybeard Bears +100
Gunslinger Mysterious strangers +200
Nomad Issachari tribe +200
Tinker Barathrumites +100
Warden Fellowship of Wardens +300
Water Merchant Water barons +200
Watervine Farmer Villagers of Joppa +100
Start in salt marsh Insects & Fish +50
Start in salt dunes Unshelled reptiles +100
Start in desert canyons Equines, Tortoises & Vines +50
Start in hills Hermits +100


  • All notes are taken from XRL.World.Reputation
  1. XRL.World.Parts.Brain::GetFeeling
  2. XRL.World.Parts.GivesRep