Juicing cannibal

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juicing cannibal
Juicing cannibal.png


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Juicing Cannibal


cannibals (Loved100 Reputation)



Corpse Dropped

human corpse (90%)

Experience?The XP granted when killed. Click
"toggle detailed stats" above for
a level-based breakdown.

525 XP

XP Tier




Extra info:
  • Weighs 201 lbs

Limbs* (Humanoid): * Excludes limbs granted via mutations
juicing cannibal

They are a human beyond the pathogen: muscles bulging in grotesque asymmetry, skin both gnashed and scaled, teeth filed into fangs, quivering pupils dilated to the size of coins, and sclera raw with tributaries of blood.


A juicing cannibal is a creature belonging to the cannibals faction. Juicing cannibals can be found in Bethesda Susa;[1] additionally, a unique variant can always be found in the second cryobarrios level there.[2]

Juicing cannibals attack in melee with their fist, a natural axe weapon that deals ♥1d4+12-5 (Avg: 3.5) damage,[3] their bite, a natural axe weapon that deals ♥2d62-12 (Avg: 7) damage,[4] and their carbide folding hammer, which they will always spawn with.[5] Juicing cannibals will always use their fist as their primary weapon, and will wield their folding hammer in their offhand.

As their name implies, juicing cannibals will always spawn under the effects of several tonics, including two luminous hoarshrooms, a blaze injector, and a sphynx salt injector. They do not spawn with and then inject these items, but rather possess their effects immediately upon spawning. Each effect will last for 1,000 rounds.[5][6]

To compliment their melee-based combat and their juicing habit, juicing cannibals possess the Charge and Juicer skills, respectively.[5]

Missile Cannibal

A "missile cannibal", as it is referred to internally, is a unique variant of juicing cannibal. A single missile cannibal can always be found in the second cryobarrios level of Bethesda Susa. Missile cannibals are identical to other juicing cannibals, save for the fact that they always spawn with a missile launcher and 1d6+34-9 (Avg: 6.5) HE Missiles, which they will use to attack at range.


This information is reliable as of patch
  1. EncounterTables.xml
  2. EncounterTables.xml, encountertable name Bethesda Susa Cryobarrio2
  3. ObjectBlueprints.xml, object name Juicing Cannibal Fist
  4. ObjectBlueprints.xml, object name Juicing Cannibal Bite
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 ObjectBlueprints.xml, object name Juicing Cannibal
  6. XRL.World.Parts.RandomDrugs