Tri-hologram bracelet

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tri-hologram bracelet
Charge per Use

50 Solar cell: 50 usesFidget cell: 50 usesLead-acid cell: 80 usesCombustion cell: 120 usesChem cell: 200 usesThermoelectric cell: 800 usesBiodynamic cell: 1200 usesNuclear cell: 2000 usesAntimatter cell: 4000 usesMecha power core: 10000 uses

Charge Used For







Can Disassemble


Can Build


Tinker Skill

Tinker III

Mods?Mods this item can support
(subject to additional logic & rules)

general, electronics



ID?Use this ID to Wish for the item

Tri-Hologram Bracelet

Worn On


Spawns in


Extra Info:
tri-hologram bracelet

Bars partition the bangle clasp into three bands; a cobalt button summons the rest of the quartet.


A tri-hologram bracelet is a wrist-worn artifact which, when worn, powered, and activated, creates three holographic images of the player character at three different points you designate within 10 spaces. Hostile creatures that fail a difficulty 15 Intelligence save will prioritize attacking the hologram over you. Holograms are immune to damage, normality fields, and EMP effects, though the bracelet itself is still vulnerable to EMP. The holograms will move with the opposite inputs relative to you, e.g. if you move one space to the right, the holograms will move one space to the left.

The holograms will not move through walls, hostile creatures, or other objects that block movement. Once the holograms are active, it has functionally infinite range, so long as it still has clearance to move.


This section is opinion-based. Your mileage may vary.
  • An excellent resource for helping to fight multiple high-tier enemies, such as chrome pyramids. The holograms can completely distract them (or in the case of chrome pyramids, even trick them into blowing themselves up).
  • It has ten times the power draw of the basic version, making it not a strict upgrade - while this can distract more enemies, and keep them separated, the basic hologram bracelet is able to be run for far longer - 500 rounds with even a basic, unmodified solar cell for the basic, versus 50 for the tri-hologram.
  • While a more significant change than for the basic version, the overloaded mod's temperature effect has more influence on its wearer than it does on the artifact: It is unlikely to ever harm the tri-hologram bracelet itself, given its flame point of 99999 and vapor point of 10000. The increased charge usage still allows 5000 turns of use with a nuclear cell, and increases the difficulty of the Intelligence save from 15 to 17. Against aforementioned chrome pyramids, this raises the odds of the distraction working from 90.89% to 95.71%.