Gender and Pronouns

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This is a list of all genders that appear in Genders.xml and their associated pronouns. Pronouns not associated with a specific gender are pulled from PronounSets.xml. A table is provided to understand what each row is used for in the context of language.

Plural Is actually multiple entities. (Pseudo-plural is not truly plural)
Person Term What one of this gender is referred to.
Immature Term What an immature/young person of this gender is called.
Formal Term What you politely call someone of this gender.
Offspring Term What the offspring of this gender are called.
Sibling Term What a sibling of this gender is referred to.
Parent Term What a parent of this gender is called.
Subjective "She went to Grit Gate."
Objective "You are water-bonded with him."
Possessive Adjective "Her Issachar rifle rusted."
Substantive Possessive "Kindrish is hers."
Reflexive "He can only blame himself for eating the Cloaca Surprise."
Pseudo-Plural "Sam needs to drink some water because they are dehydrated."
"Sam needs to drink some water because she is dehydrated."



Default Pronouns: It/its

Plural no
Person term human
Immature Person term child
Formal Address term friend
Offspring term child
Sibling term sib
Parent term progenitor
Note: This gender uses the bare indicative, so these terms will never be called, preferring to refer to the object as "it" instead.

Neuter character of note: Euclid

Neuter-exclusive creatures of note: mimic, pulsed field magnet, memory eater, decarbonizer, galgal

Base gender for: Insects, Crabs, Fish, Spiders, Clams, Worms, Star Krakens, Urchins


Default Pronouns: They/Them/Their

Plural no
Person term human
Immature Person term child
Formal Address term friend
Offspring term child
Sibling term sib
Parent term progenitor

Nonspecific characters of note: Neek, Shem -1, Mayor Haddas, Warden Une, Rainwater Shomer


Default pronouns: He/Him/His

Plural no
Person term man
Immature Person term boy
Formal Address term friend
Offspring term son
Sibling term brother
Parent term father

Male character of note: Saad Amus, the Sky-Bear

Male-exclusive creatures of note: boar, apple farmer


Default pronouns: She/Her

Plural no
Person term woman
Immature Person term girl
Formal Address term friend
Offspring term daughter
Sibling term sister
Parent term mother

Female character of note: Tillifergaewicz

Female-exclusive creatures of note: snailmother, fire ant queen, miner Mk I II III, apple farmer's daughter

Base gender for: Miners


Default Pronouns: Plural/They/Them/Their

Plural yes
Person term people
Immature Person term children
Formal Address term friends
Offspring term children
Sibling term sibs
Parent term progenitors

Plural-exclusive creatures of note: prism perch


Default Pronouns: Plural/They/Them/Their

Plural yes
Person term humans
Immature Person term children
Formal Address term friends
Offspring term children
Sibling term sibs
Parent term progenitors


Default Pronouns: Plural/They/Them/Their

Plural yes
Person term men
Immature Person term boys
Formal Address term friends
Offspring term sons
Sibling term brothers
Parent term fathers


Default Pronouns: Plural/They/Them/Their

Plural yes
Person term women
Immature Person term girls
Formal Address term friends
Offspring term daughters
Sibling term sisters
Parent term mothers

Females characters of note: Wardens Esther

Hindren Male

Default Pronouns: He/Him/His

Plural no
Person term man
Immature Person term faun
Formal Address term buck
Offspring term son
Sibling term brother
Parent term father

Hindren Male characters of note: Kesehind, Angohind

Hindren Female

Default Pronouns: She/Her

Plural no
Person term woman
Immature Person term faun
Formal Address term my doe
Offspring term daughter
Sibling term sister
Parent term mother

Hindren Female character of note: Agate Severance Star


Default pronouns: They/Them/Their

Plural no
Person term hartind
Immature Person term faun
Formal Address term hartind
Offspring term child
Sibling term sibling
Parent term parent

Hartind character of note: Lulihart, hindren pariah


Default pronouns: Ey/Em/Eir

Plural no
Person term person
Immature Person term child
Formal Address term friend
Offspring term child
Sibling term sibling
Parent term parent

Elverson character of note: Vivira

Base gender for: Mopango



Subjective it
Objective it
Possessive Adjective its
Substantive Possessive its
Reflexive itself
Pseudo-plural no


Subjective they
Objective them
Possessive Adjective their
Substantive Possessive theirs
Reflexive themself
Pseudo-plural yes


Subjective they
Objective them
Possessive Adjective their
Substantive Possessive theirs
Reflexive themselves
Pseudo-plural no


Subjective he
Objective him
Possessive Adjective his
Substantive Possessive his
Reflexive himself
Pseudo-plural no


Subjective she
Objective her
Possessive Adjective her
Substantive Possessive hers
Reflexive herself
Pseudo-plural no

Characters of note that use She/Her: Q Girl, Yla Haj


Subjective ey
Objective em
Possessive Adjective eir
Substantive Possessive eirs
Reflexive emself
Pseudo-plural no


Subjective sie
Objective hir
Possessive Adjective hir
Substantive Possessive hirs
Reflexive hirself
Pseudo-plural no


Subjective xe
Objective xem
Possessive Adjective xyr
Substantive Possessive xyrs
Reflexive xemself
Pseudo-plural no

Characters of note that use Xe/Xem/Xyr: Asphodel, Earl of Omonporch, Sixshrew, Frondzie


Subjective ze
Objective zir
Possessive Adjective zir
Substantive Possessive zirs
Reflexive zirself
Pseudo-plural no


  • There is an option in the code which allows newly animated objects (from Spray-a-Brain or a nano-neuro animator) to generate an entirely new neogender and neopronouns, but it is disabled.
  • Oboroqoru, Ape God's gender is male, but He has a unique set of pronouns and titles befitting His status as a god (note the capitalization):
Subjective He
Objective Him
Possessive Adjective His
Substantive Possessive His
Reflexive Himself
Pseudo-plural No
Person Term god
Immature Person term godling
Formal Address term lord
Offspring term Son
Sibling term Brother
Parent term Father

This pronoun set is only used by Oboroqoru, Ape God and is not defined in Genders.xml or PronounSets.xml.