Electromagnetic sensor

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electromagnetic sensor
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[Implant] - electromagnetic sensor

Small distortions in the electromagnetic field caused by machine folk are visible to this sensor.

You detect nearby robots without having to see them.

Target body parts: Head, Face, Back, Body, Feet, Arm, Hands
License points: 1
Only compatible with True Kin genotypes
Compute Power on the local lattice increases this item's range.

Cybernetic Info
License point cost



Head Face Back Body Feet Arm Hands

Destroyed when removed


Electromagnetic sensor allows the player to detect robotic creatures within an omni-directional radius of 9 tiles regardless of light level or occluding objects. Similarly to Heightened Hearing, the implant only provides an outline of nearby robots, preventing the usage of look for additional information. The Implant is not guaranteed to immediately identify creatures, with some detected robots initially being represented by the ? tile, which may take multiple turns to be fully identified. If a creature leaves the implant's radius for any reason, they may need to be identified again.

Compute Power Table

Compute Power Range
10 9 tiles
20 10 tiles
30 11 tiles
40 12 tiles
50 13 tiles
60 14 tiles
70 15 tiles
80 16 tiles
90 17 tiles
100 18 tiles
Compute Power Range
110 18 tiles
120 19 tiles
130 20 tiles
140 21 tiles
150 22 tiles
160 23 tiles
170 24 tiles
180 25 tiles
190 26 tiles
200 27 tiles

Advantages & Disadvantages

This section is opinion-based. Your mileage may vary.


  • Only costs 1 license point and can be installed into any cybernetics slot, allowing a high degree of flexibility.
  • Relatively easy to find or purchase.
  • Can help prevent deadly early game ambushes from chaingun turrets.
  • Immune to EMP blasts.


  • Disrupts Auto-Explore and cannot be deactivated without uninstalling.
  • Takes up a Cybernetics slot which could be replaced with the similarly functioning but broadly more useful penetrating radar


  • Creatures detected by the implant can be manually fired upon, this works with phase-adaptive scope, allowing the user to attack visible enemies through walls.
  • Unlike Penetrating Radar, this implant is capable of detecting creatures through forcefields, letting the user use Phase-Adaptive Scope to target chrome pyramids from a safe distance through walls.