Worshipper of Oboroqoru

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worshipper of Oboroqoru
Worshipper of oboroqoru.png


ID?Use this ID to Wish for worshipper of Oboroqoru

Worshiper of Oboroqoru


apes (Liked50 Reputation)
villagers of Kyakukya (Loved100 Reputation)



Corpse Dropped

human corpse (90%)

Experience?The XP granted when killed. Click
"toggle detailed stats" above for
a level-based breakdown.

10 XP

XP Tier




Spawns in


Extra info:
  • Weighs 200 lbs

Limbs* (Humanoid): * Excludes limbs granted via mutations
worshipper of Oboroqoru

This nude, brown-skinned figure alternates between kneeling low before the shrine of Oboroqoru and skulking around it observantly. Their body is black with the dirt of the earth, but their face is uncharacteristically clean, and you notice every so often they uncork a waterskin that hangs around their neck, moisten their hands, and scrub the grime from their cheeks and brow. Oboroqoru's worshipers deem this rite a more meaningful use of their precious freshwater than even the quenching of thirst, and in presenting unsullied faces to the idol of their ape god, they hope to propitiate him and garner his favor and protection.


A worshipper of Oboroqoru is a creature belonging to the villagers of Kyakukya and apes factions. Several worshippers of Oboroqoru can be found in the village of Kyakukya, in the northeast corner next to a statue of Oboroqoru.

Worshippers of Oboroqoru possess no weapons, armor, skills, mutations, or abilities of any kind. In combat, they will simply attack with their fists. If a worshipper's hitpoints are reduced below 30% of their maximum HP, they will cease combat and try to flee from threats.[1]

Worshippers of Oboroqoru will always spawn in possession of a single albino ape pelt.[2]


Worshipper of Oboroqoru

Oboroqoru, ruum tay, Oboroqoru, ruum tay...

[1] Live and drink. [End]


This information is reliable as of patch
  1. XRL.World.Parts.AISelfPreservation
  2. ObjectBlueprints.xml