Va'am's lens
Spoiler Warning: This article contains information normally only found in the course of advancing the main quest line. |
Charge per Use
550 |
Charge Used For
Gas Dispersion [50], Cooldown Reduction [500] |
6 |
Skill Used
} |
Vaam's Lens |
Worn On
Extra Info:
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Infobox data from game version
An ocean drum of unknown zircon cleans itself of dust down to the mote by electrostatic cancelling. The center cross affords a wielder's grip.
Shields only grant their AV when you successfully block an attack.
Repels gases near its user.
Va'am's lens is a unique item that can be gotten by choosing to free Va'am in the quest Fraying Favorites. When powered and its 100 turn boot sequence is complete, it repels all gasses within a 1 tile radius, and reduces the cooldowns of Shield Slam and Shield Wall by 50%. The gas repulsion function uses 50 charge in any turn where it takes effect and the cooldown reduction function uses 500 charge when you use Shield Slam or Shield Wall. It can be powered by an energy cell or by a creature with Electrical Generation or a biodynamic power plant.
Recall Story
I remember. Once.
Watching over the firmament.
Standing. Between oblivion and wild growth. Guiding and guarding. The liminal spaces.
It may never have been so simple. But I bore weight more easily.
Once. Before my kin. Stole the firmament from me.
I was greater then. Perhaps I will be greater again.
With help. Someday.
Caution: This article or section contains unverified speculation and should not be considered canonical. |
- The effects of Va'am's lens bear some resemblance to the epochal aegis of Bel, one of the Argent Fathers.