Lost |
Effect Type
Activity-based, Minor, Negative, Removable |
Infobox data from game version
Lost is an effect that prevents the player character from traveling to the world map. Lost has a 20% (or 40% if the player character has Wayfaring) chance to be removed every time the player enters a new zone. Lost can also be removed by walking into a screen you have already seen before (though re-entering a screen you have seen while Lost will not work), or speaking to a creature that is able to speak and give directions.
Note that only the base Wayfaring skill helps in getting a player unlost when lost. The Wilderness Lore skills along with the compass bracelet and
precinct navigator only prevent getting lost in the first place.
Rarely, creatures will spawn lost. Talking to them will remove the lost condition from them, much as it would for a lost player speaking to a creature. Helping a lost creature in this manner will award 100 xp.