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The Character template is used to define basic data for creatures, walls, trees, unmovable furniture, and other unmovable objects like rubble.
These objects have many properties in common, such as HP, AV, and DV.
Usage Example:
{{Character | title = {{Qud text|Jotun, Who Parts Limbs}} | image = jotun who parts limbs.png | lv = 17 | hp = 165 | av = 6 | dv = 10 | ma = 3 | marange = 3 | weight = 200 | featureweightinfo = no | id = Troll King 1 | tier = 3 | colorstr = &M | tilecolors = MY | renderstr = T | corpse = Troll Corpse | corpsechance = 90 | role = Hero | extra = {{Extra info|weight = 200 | swarmbonus = 2 | uniquechara = yes | waterritualable = yes | bodytype = Humanoid}} | inheritingfrom = Troll King | quickness = 100 | movespeed = 100 | strength = 34 | agility = 24 | toughness = 29 | intelligence = 12 | willpower = 14 | ego = 19 | strengthmult = 1.5 | toughnessmult = 1.5 | acid = 0 | electric = 25 | cold = 50 | heat = 0 | xpvalue = 1700 | xptier = 3 | faction = {{creature faction|{{FactionID to name|Trolls}}|100}} | demeanor = neutral | gender = male | inventory = {{inventory|Battle Axe3th|1|no|100}}{{inventory|Battle Axe4th|1|no|100}}{{inventory|ThrowingAxe|16|no|100}}{{inventory|Copper Trollking Key|1|no|100}} | skills = {{SkillID to name|Axe}} </br>{{SkillID to name|Axe_Expertise}} </br>{{SkillID to name|Axe_Dismember}} </br>{{SkillID to name|Axe_Cleave}} </br>{{SkillID to name|Axe_HookAndDrag}} </br>{{SkillID to name|Tactics_Charge}} </br>{{SkillID to name|Dual_Wield_Offhand_Strikes}} </br>{{SkillID to name|Dual_Wield_Ambidexterity}} </br>{{SkillID to name|Cudgel}} </br>{{SkillID to name|Endurance_Swimming}} | desc = The troll called Jotun slumps beneath the weight of =pronouns.possessive= broad and cragged back. Soaking fibers of inky, unkempt hair enswathe the great, pale rocks that are =pronouns.possessive= shoulders. Crossed over =pronouns.possessive= chest are two carbide axes, their shafts knurled and rotting with rust. Jotun's rumpled eyelids lay half-shut over the discs of =pronouns.possessive= sluggish eyes as =pronouns.subjective= =verb:recline:afterpronoun= in =pronouns.possessive= bath of convalessence. | categories = Unique Characters | gameversion = }}
Supported parameters include:
Parameter | Description | Example |
Metadata | ||
id | Object ID from ObjectBlueprints.xml | ElderBob |
wikiidoverride | A unique override ID used on the wiki - used to distinguish certain objects that share the same Object ID, such as dynamic turrets | TinkerTurretFlamethrower |
inheritingfrom | Parent object that this object inherits from in ObjectBlueprints.xml | BaseHelmet |
categories | Primary wiki category (currently supports only a single category despite the name) | Long Blades |
Descriptive Data | ||
title | Display name of the creature or object | hydraulic turbine |
desc | Description of the creature or object. Will be automatically prettified using Template:Qud look. Variables surrounded in = will be replaced with their respective words according to the gender and/or pronouns specified using Template:Grammar. If no gender is specified, it will default to nonspecified. (they/them/their) | |
gender | Gender of the creature | Female |
pronouns | Pronouns for the creature | She/Her |
faction | Faction association for the creature | |
demeanor | Creature's demeanor, such as "docile", "neutral", or "aggressive" | aggressive |
role | Creature role - for example: Hero, NPC, or Minion. Affects certain stat calculations among other things. | Brute |
Visual Data | ||
image | The primary image for the object. If the item has no associated sprite, set equal to none. | |
overrideimages | A set of variant images for the object, if applicable | |
gif | An animated GIF image for the object, if applicable | |
colorstr | Color for the creature's tile or font glyph | &M |
tilecolors | Color for the creature's tile or font glyph | Mc |
renderstr | Font glyph for the creature or object (when tiles are disabled) | Æ |
Core Stats | ||
tier | Character or item tier | |
lv | Level of the creature | |
hp | Hitpoints | |
av | Armor value | |
dv | Dodge value | |
quickness | Quickness stat - defaults to 100. | 90 |
movespeed | Movement speed stat - defaults to 100 | 150 |
ma | Calculated / average mental armor stat | |
marange | Full range of possible mental armor stat values | |
Attributes | ||
strength | Intrinsic strength stat | 18 |
agility | Intrinsic agility stat | 15-1 |
toughness | Intrinsic toughness stat | 16-1d2 |
intelligence | Intrinsic intelligence stat | 19 |
willpower | Intrinsic willpower stat | 17+2 |
ego | Intrinsic ego stat | 16+2d4 |
strengthmult | Boost factor applied as a multiplier after intrinsic strength is calculated | |
agilitymult | Boost factor applied as a multiplier after intrinsic agility is calculated | |
toughnessmult | Boost factor applied as a multiplier after intrinsic toughness is calculated | |
intelligencemult | Boost factor applied as a multiplier after intrinsic intelligence is calculated | |
willpowermult | Boost factor applied as a multiplier after intrinsic willpower is calculated | |
egomult | Boost factor applied as a multiplier after intrinsic ego is calculated | |
strengthextrinsic | Extra strength added by extrinsic factors, such as mutations or equipment | |
agilityextrinsic | Extra agility added by extrinsic factors, such as mutations or equipment | |
toughnessextrinsic | Extra toughness added by extrinsic factors, such as mutations or equipment | |
willpowerextrinsic | Extra willpower added by extrinsic factors, such as mutations or equipment | |
intelligenceextrinsic | Extra intelligence added by extrinsic factors, such as mutations or equipment | |
egoextrinsic | Extra strength ego by extrinsic factors, such as mutations or equipment | |
Resistances | ||
acid | Acid resistance for the creature or object | |
electric | Electric resistance for the creature or object | |
heat | Heat resistance for the creature or object | |
cold | Cold resistance for the creature or object | |
Physical Properties | ||
weight | weight of the creature or object | |
featureweightinfo | whether the weight should be featured near the top of the infobox (yes) or moved into the extra data field (no) | |
lightradius | the radius of light emitted by this creature or object | |
maxvol | Capacity for holding liquids (in drams) | |
liquidgentype | The type of liquid generated. | |
liquidgenrate | for liquid generators. how many turns it takes for 1 dram to generate. (can be a number or a range like 20-40) | |
Artifact Data | ||
complexity | Complexity of the artifact | |
bits | Bits that compose the artifact | |
canbuild | Yes if the object can be built with tinkering | |
candisassemble | Yes if the object can be disassembled for bits | |
energycellrequired | whether an energy cell is required to power this object | |
chargeused | amount of energy required per use | |
chargeperdram | how much charge is one dram (for liquid cells) | |
maxcharge | how much charge it can hold (usually reserved for cells) | |
chargefunction | what the charge is used for | |
mods | List of item mods on the object | |
modcount | Number of item mods on the object | |
supportedmods | the list of mods this object supports (comma-delimited) | |
chairlevel | the Chair Level of this chair - affects the power of sitting | |
unidentifiedimage | Sprite shown for the unidentified artifact. | |
unidentifiedname | Name of the artifact when it is not yet identified. | |
unidentifiedaltname | Name of the artifact when it is only partially identified. | |
Items and Abilities | ||
skills | skill list delimited by </br> - for example: Tactful</br>Gadget Inspector</br>Disassemble |
mutations | one or more things using the Template:Creature mutation template | |
equipment | one or more objects using Template:Inventory - be sure to specify the equipped parameter for these | |
inventory | one or more objects using Template:Inventory | |
Other Data | ||
xpvalue | Amount of XP awarded when slaying this creature | |
xptier | XP tier - affects experience calculations | |
corpse | ID of the corpse object associated with this character | |
corpsechance | percent chance for the corpse to drop (1-100) | |
harvestedinto | the thing this can be harvested into | |
dynamictable | Dynamic object table that this object is included in | |
extra | A wide variety of potential extra information, using Template:Extra info |