Small Problems/Conversations

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Small Problems' responses are chosen randomly from the phrases in each node.


Small Problems

In the mind's eye: A drop of neutron flux released atop the Spindle! Qud holds a breath.

How the spirit spins from this brutal english, delivered by javelins of the blunted real.

There is a trader of spices in Caiafas who has never slept.

Steel your quailing hearts, you stalwart and steadfast. You are not alone.

The damage is immense and irreversible, but what we learned is irreplaceable and revolutionary.

Be free with your libations. Be free with your victuals!

Three dromad caravans, three days ago, three parasangs from their destination.

The harsh flavor of a salinity crisis may be mitigated with vinegar or tartbeard gland.

[1] Hello, Small Problems.
[2] What shall we have for our next meal, Problems?
[3] Live and drink, Problems. [End]


Small Problems

Live and drink, we all said!

We tread the sand and soil together, the marsh and canyon and jungle.

Death to the suborners, the owners, the exploiters of Qud.

One cannot change history on an empty stomach.

So we are met.

[1] What shall we have for our next meal, Problems?
[2] Live and drink. [End]


Small Problems

Ah, for the headstrong punch of hulk honey!

The people of Joppa have eaten matz since the days of Abram.

Crying out in vain, "anything but yuckwheat!"

Whiskers and virility are the very least of what starapples can do.

Glittering like the spindle dust in a perfectly coin-cut slice of banana, the past rushes by.

Are you lucky enough to taste nectar, they wonder?

[1] Hmm. Any other ideas?
[2] Sounds perfect. Let's do it. [End]