User:Teamtoto/Bug Hall of Fame
These are bugs that are fixed and no longer in the game, or still exist because it was recently rebroken/marked as wontfix. I did my best to organize them in chronological order, but memory is a fickle thing.
This is also clearly subjective, but that's why it's on my user page and not the main namespace. Feel free to add things though!
- A recurring bug of being able to do things you should not be able to do on the world map, causing a variety of problems. A non exhaustive list of things you could have done:
- Spin webs
- Defensive swipe, including tile knockback
- Charge (if you are a rhinox)
- Any cooking effect that procs when you drink water (expel quills, use pyrokinesis, etc)
- Leave behind puddles of liquid if you are a humor
- Spawn troll fauns if you are a legendary troll
- Spawn clones of yourself as a result of cloning draught
- On the faction page, the text erroneously repeated the selected faction's interests too many times if they only liked one thing. An example output:
Worms are interested in trading secrets about all underground locations, all underground locations, all underground locations, all underground locations, all underground locations, all underground locations, all underground locations, and sultans they admire or despise. They're also interested in hearing gossip that's about them. |
- Jotun failed to spawn in his home for several patches. Many sad laments for missing Jotun were made.
- In the early stages of the mutation rework during Tomb of the Eaters, there was a rewrite of how stats were applied and removed to make it simpler. There were still bugs though, which caused a couple of hall of fame moments:
- Time Dilation's stat shifts unapplied incorrectly against enemies, granting them more quickness than the dilation originally decreased, and it did not run out. This caused players with time dilation and Evil Twin to eventually get QN into the thousands.
- Hobble (-50MS) could stack to 0 MS, causing moving to either take an infinite amount of time, eventually resolving in death, or be infinitely fast, depending on the patch.
- In a similar fashion, having more than 200 quickness by any means caused you to *gain* energy every move, giving you infinite turns.
- To test cardiac arrests (currently only an effect that's in Chaos's mod, Heartbreak), snapjaw bites were given the property to cause it. This was accidentally pushed live. Worse, the only item that could remove the debuff was not, meaning that for anybody inflicted, dying was unavoidable.
- The reflective shielding property, was put on bears for debugging cherubs, and was accidentally pushed live. This was quickly fixed the following day, but gained a new identity and cult status as "mirrorbears". Once the fix was live, unormal sent the message, "rip mirrorbear june 13, 2020-june 14, 2020".
- A feature request to include them in the game for real was closed with a non-verbal "O_O".
- Ovens were updated to constantly emit ambient heat. This heat could not dissapate enough and cause all ovens to burst into flames.
- If the player character could spew liquid, there were odd interactions around spewing very shallow puddles of liquid, spawning 0 dram puddles. Attempting to spew these again resulted in the volume underflowing into incredibly high values.
- A output for generating sultan history related to reentrancy/resource-sharing in grammar analysis broke in one patch, causing all statues and engrave/painted items to start with "(concept) (concept), (continues as normal)". Popular phrases from this bug include "cliff cliff", "berry youberry".
- The message telling players that they were stuck was missing the "stuck" portion. This lead player characters trapped in webs or asphalt to receive the message "You are ! You are ! You are !", as if reassuring their existence.
- A bug with wearing equipment with the yurtmat part(vine-weave tunic, grassy yurtmat, leafy helm) caused QN to increase to 2000 and DV to increase to 10 when stepping on anything that had the "vine" in the name. Anything, including vinewafers. It also refused to clear.
- Because the game has its own way of parsing unicode characters (using the IBM code page 437 instead of modern unicode standards), the book file for On the Origins and Nature of the Dark Calculus used to have Gödel's name spelled normally with an ö. In unicode, this is \u00F6. However, the character in \u00F6 in Caves of Qud is ÷, rendering the name as G÷del in game. This was later fixed.
- Skipping turns very quickly (usually by waiting to be healed, or autoexplore) still plays all the sounds for every passed turn. The decarbonizer had a bug that cause the charging up sound effect to play every turn it was aiming. The combination of these two bugs resulted in a horrific noise.
- Dominating an animated chair and attempting to sit on yourself caused the game to crash.
- The second floor of desert villages would always collapse to the first floor.
- The saga of looting multiple sultan reliquaries:
- Normally, only one out of the six can be opened. This is because a "robber chime" plays which removes the other reliquaries once the first is looted. However, originally the effect only occurred on zone change. Managing to get two reliquaries into one zone through fulcrete catapult shafts allowed you to open both. This was resolved by making the chime affect the current zone immediately. It jokingly commented as "invalid" because people who do this are "too good at videogames".
- The chime affected the current zone, but acted as before for everywhere else. This allowed multiple looting, if the player is looting the second reliquary across the zone border. This was fixed by also affecting all loaded zones.
- Using the "open nearby" keybind at the time looted all chests in that cell, even if they should have disappeared by the time you opened it. This allowed looting multiple reliquaries if they were in the same cell. Open nearby was fixed to open only one thing at a time and better checking to prevent opening already destroyed containers.
- It was later found that creating an overlapping chain of multiple reliquaries and opening one caused the other reliquaries to break and dump the relic inside on the ground. This was fixed. There are no further exploits... for now.
- A recurring bug of incorrectly pluralizing items that are already plural, causing baetyls to become Gollum and ask for "bootses" or "vanta petalses".
- Quests like "place something on a table" can have the quest furniture be animated. This is not the bug. The bug was that attempting to open their inventory was considered a hostile action and made the quest incompletable.
- The reward for turning in Kindrish to the Hindren was claimable multiple times. combined with an infinite duplication glitch with the turning in option gave you infinite rewards. source
- Having too many Otherpearls (when the extradimensional chance was multiplicative rather than additive) cause the integer to overflow and make it impossible to encounter extradimensional objects.
- Pocket dimensions loop in on themselves, in all directions. Falling down a shaft in a one (specifically, Tzimtzlum) caused the player to fall an infinite height, making the game soft lock and eventually crash.
- Temporary drops of nectar can still be cooked with, and the stat gains from such a meal is permanent.
- ILSpy suddenly experienced an error due to an emoji in the xml docs. The offending line was
Should we remutate the body when it changes (basically only to slog 💋)
(Note: In the fix, the kissy emoji got to stay, it was just properly encoded in html) - Some in game mechanics are implemented with "widgets", which are basically invisible, intangible objects placed in the zone with parts that do the calculating. However, a bug caused them to be affected by heat and thus burst into very visible flames.
- A village can be populated by initially hidden plants or creatures such as lagroots. This makes finding the leader impossible to find if they are not hostile to you.
- Because psychal fleshgun has so many shots per dram of blood, the ammo section of the UI became incredibly long to accommodate.
- The chronology entry for permadomming was "Your mind was stranded inside you". The bug fix in the patch was "Fixed a bug causing the chronology entry for permanent mind transfer to sound as if it were describing an existential crisis."
- Briefly in 206.30, every creature had a copy of themselves in their inventory, which you could buy. You could do any interaction that you could do to the original, which includes initiating trade again. You would then be able to recursively trade with the trader's inventory copy, each with its own unique inventory.
- A possibly related bug were messages like "The protector of the Stilt's protector of the Stilt equips a folded carbide long sword". This could have been because the inventory copy still had an auto-equip AI.
Bugs currently in the process of being fixed
- Being hooked and dragged or hooking and dragging another creature, and have you or that creature use force bubble to push them away can cause the both you to launch into the direction of the force, causing damage the entire way. If it's a creature like Jotun, this can do around 300 damage.
- Hooks for Feet's underlying code uses the same code/class as Horns, so much that the bleed chance and bleed damage for Hooks for Feet uses the chance and damage of Horns if you currently have Horns.
These are bugs that are currently in the game because it was either too complicated to fix for a really obscure scenario, or is entertaining in its own regard that fixing it would be worse.
- There is no character limit on names. Any sufficiently long names will cause display errors in multiple places in the console UI.
- Cherubim have their description generated based on the physical features that faction's animals usually have. The dog cherubs did not overwrite any properties from the BaseAnimal object, thus creating: "Whatever the embryo, [they] are now the archetypal dog; it's all there in the impeccable simulacrum: the shiny teeth, the hispid skin, the spheric hooves. Perfection is realized." This was marked as a wontfix. ptychomancer had a small twitter thread about it.
- Related, mushroom cherubs are described as having "shiny teeth, coarse hair, sunken eyes" (however this one was fixed).
- This entire post talking about "cheleporting".
- Villages that venerate "Lay Mine/Set Bomb" can worship "/ian" or "/-like" objects.
- Inspiring Presence gives an HP bonus based off of ego modifier. This modifier can be negative. If you successfully gain a follower with low enough hp, they would immediately die.