The Assessment/Calculating Score

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The Assessment is a dynamic quest that grants different rewards based on outcome.


Type Score
Barathrumite (all within the faction) 200
Chromeling 20
Bookshelf 20
books 20
Crop 20
Gadgets 20
Furniture 20

Note that chromelings are part of the Barathrumites faction, but are scored as Chromelings. After the last templar is killed, the score is a sum of the scores of what is destroyed.

≤150 Top score
[151-800] Mid score
>800 Bottom score

To get the top score, no Barathrumite can perish, and only a maximum of 7 objects can be destroyed.


The Assessment

=name=, I've assessed the losses we suffered in the attack.
(if a Barathrumite has died:)
First and foremost, let us lament the death(s) of our friend(s): (Barathrumites who perished). The loss to us is incalculable.

(Beyond that,) _ chromelings perished, _ books were burned, _bookshelves were destroyed, _ crops were ruined, _gadgets were shattered, and _ pieces of furniture were destroyed.


  1. XRL.World.Parts.ScriptCallToArmsPart