Category:Temple mecha

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Temple mecha are a set of pilotable creatures that function like mecha, and are typically used by the Putus Templar faction. They share several mechanical quirks.

General Temple mecha functionality

  • They are pilotable (like Golems). They typically show up in the world piloted by a Templar
  • They have their own skills, and typically the skills enable the natural weapons on the Temple mecha to work
  • Unlike Golems, they do not function as followers when unpiloted
  • They only function at all when powered via a mecha power core
  • When you sit down in the piloting chair, if you have not yet done so, it will ask you for a military security card to be permanently inserted. If you do so, you will then be able to pilot that Templar mecha for as long as it exists.


  • Mecha power cores are batteries and can be modded as such. However the power draw for a Temple mecha is higher than the radio powered mod can provide. If you wish to use one permanently, you will need to cycle power cores.
  • Temple mecha have reduced functionality at low power.

Pages in category "Temple mecha"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.