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Pilotable creatures have a certain set of shared mechanics that allow another creature to control them in a manner similar to controlling a dominated body. The pilotable creature has its own skills, stats, mutations, cybernetics, equipment and anatomy. Currently all pilotable creatures are gigantic.

A pilotable creature has the 'enter' command on its context-sensitive menu. When unpiloted, this always works and sends you to the cockpit. When piloted (in combat) instead the enter command is an attack that has a 10% chance of allowing you to shove your way into the cockpit.

Once in the cockpit, you can pilot the creature by sitting down in the pilot's chair (the one furthest to the right). Doing so will switch your skill tab, character sheet, equipment, and inventory to the piloted creature, as well as using their ability list. Piloted creatures have two special abilities: Eject and Exit pilot seat.

Eject sends you to a nearby square on the map. When the pilotable creature is destroyed, the 'eject' ability will automatically happen. This also stops the piloting.

Exit pilot seat stops the piloting and returns you to control of the piloting character inside of the cockpit.

Pages in category "Pilotable"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.