Template:Item nostore
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Parameter | Explanation | Data type |
title | The display name of the item. | {{Qud text|(title)}} |
image | The image. If the item has no associate sprite, set equal to none. | item name.png/none |
pv | The base PV, which is by default 4 if not set. Optional. | int |
maxpv | The max strength bonus + base pv. | int |
vibro | Replaces the damage number with the armor match symbol if true. | yes/no |
pvpowered | If yes, adds a row that shows the unpowered pv (4) | yes/no |
damage | damage | dice value |
unpowereddamge | damage when unpowered | dice value |
hp | hitpoints of creature | int |
av | Base armor value | int |
dv | The base dodge value | int |
ma | The mental armor value, if it exists. | int |
tohit | The bonus or penalty to hit | (+/-)int |
ammodamagetypes | the type(s) of damage caused by this weapon | string list (delimited by or ,) |
ammo | what type of ammo is used. | string |
accuracy | How accurate the gun is. | int |
shots | How many shots are fired in one round | int |
maxammo | How much ammo a gun can have loaded at once. | int |
maxvol | the maximum liquid volume | int |
liquidgenrate | for liquid generators. how many turns it takes for 1 dram to generate. (can be a number or a range like 20-40) | string |
liquidgentype | The type of liquid generated. | string |
inhaled | "yes" if a gas is respiration-based, "no" if it isn't. | boolean |
seeping | "yes" if a gas can seep through walls, "no" if it can't. | boolean |
maxcharge | how much charge it can hold (usually reserved for cells) | int |
chargeperdram | how much charge is one dram (for liquid cells) | int |
chargeused | How much charge is consumed per use | int |
chargefunction | What function the charge is necessary to support | string |
dramsperuse | How many drams consumed per use of the object, if fueled by liquid | int or float |
imprintchargecost | Charge cost to imprint a ProgrammableRecoiler | int |
weight | int | |
featureweightinfo | whether the weight should be featured near the top of the infobox (yes) or moved into the extra data field (no) | string |
commerce | The value of the object | int |
complexity | int | |
tier | int | |
bits | bits. Will only show if canbuild=yes or candisassemble=yes | 0 for nonspecific bits |
canbuild | yes/no | |
candisassemble | yes/no | |
empsensitive | if it's sensitive to emp bursts. | yes/no |
weaponskill | the skill tree required for use. | string |
colorstr | the color of the character with tiles mode off. | &(char),defaults to &y |
renderstr | What the item looks like with tiles mode off. | char |
id | The name of the object in ObjectBlueprints.xml | string |
bookid | Id in books.xml | string |
chairlevel | The Chair Level of this chair. Affects the power of sitting. | int |
lightradius | radius of light it gives off | int |
hunger | how much hunger it satiates | String |
thirst | how much thirst it slakes | int |
healing | what the item heals | string |
harvestedinto | what the item harvested from this is | string |
preservedinto | what the item preserves into | string |
preservedquantity | how much of the preserved item is made | integer |
twohanded | If item requires two hands to wield | yes/no |
metal | if the object is made out of metal | yes/no |
lightprojectile | if tag Name="Light" | yes/no |
reflect | if it reflects, what percentage of damage is reflected | integer |
extra | Any other features that do not have an associated variable. Uses Template:Extra info. | {{Extra info| ...... }}
agility/strength/willpower/toughness/agility/intelligence | The stats the mutations affect. | (+/-)int |
acid/electric/cold/heat/poison | The elemental resistances/weaknesses the mutation has. | (+/-)int |
reputationbonus | the reputation stuff that the player gets when this is equipped. | Template:Reputation bonus for each faction |
wornon | slot the item is worn on | string |
usesslots | slots the item takes up. defaults to worn on if not specified. | List (,) of string |
supportedmods | the list of mods this item supports | List (,) of string |
desc | The short description of the object. | The whole string, with color codes included |
{{Item | title = Stopsvalinn | image = Stopsvalinn.png | av = 3 | dv = 0 | ma = 0 | ego = +1 }}