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It's Snakelite!

Be sure to check out more fun creations from --

*thirty uninterrupted seconds of unintelligible screeching followed by silence*

More language packs are available for download from from from from-- ERROR.

ERROR CODE 50FC2: All communication tests pass but LiteNet is unavailable.

Please contact contact contact contact

Let Snakelite illuminate your day!

Snakelite will do anything for you!

Snakelite is NOT sapient, and is incapable of--

Here to light your way, it's Snakelite!

That light shining through the Saf-T Lens of every Snakelite can burn for up to nine nine nine nine nine nine *fuzz*

Do not touch the Saf-T lens.

Avoid contact with the Saf-T Coat Articulated Chassis while Snakelite is in motion.

*long beep*

--a powerful learning algorithm monitored by proprietary systems!

Snakelite's learning monitor operates independently-- *static* --never be disabled except by a representative of ERROR.

*emits static for a full minute*

Your Snakelite moves under the power of fibrous synthetic musculature strong enough to rend you limb from limb, but don't be afraid! With delicate sensors and servos, as well as our signature Saf-T Coat Articulated Chassis, it's inconceivable that Snakelite would kill you and/or your family!

Do not attempt to lift Snakelite without the aid of a trained Snakelite technician.

--and cannot be held liable for the results.

two, three, four, five, six, *long buzz* twelve, thirteen, fourteen.

--may result in injury or death.

Power limiter disabled.
Learning monitor disabled.

Please reenable these vital vital vital vital vital vital vital

Caution: One or more of Snakelite's vital safety features may be disabled. Please contact contact contact contact

Hello, [name].

Every Snakelite is shipped with a random gender that cannot be changed. To determine-

*ten seconds of silence*

-or consult your manual.

Thank you for purchasing Snakelite!

[1] ... [End]