Rainwater Shomer/Conversations

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Spoiler Warning: This article contains information normally only found in the course of advancing the main quest line.
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As of Patch This information is reliable as of patch


Rainwater Shomer

Saad, welcom.
Saad, from thyn heres shaken the wet and olde lif.
Saad, in-to a smal vessel pouren hit.
Saad, to thyn sash attachen the vessel.
Saad, crossen nou thrugh the heigh gate and in-to Brightsheol.

[1] Where is Brightsheol in relation to Qud... to Salum? Available only after the player learns Qud's relation to Salum(visiting the Qud node)
[2] Am I dead?
[3] What is this place?
[4] Why do you call me Saad?
[5] I've come from the Thick World with a mission: to disable the Spindle's magnetic field. Can you do this for me?
[6] ... [End]


Rainwater Shomer

Saad, the bodi dien, but the mind romen.

[1] Where is Brightsheol in relation to Qud... to Salum?
[2] What is this place?
[3] Why do you call me Saad?
[4] I've come from the Thick World with a mission: to disable the Spindle's magnetic field. Can you do this for me?
[5] ... [End]


Rainwater Shomer

Saad, stonden thu at the heigh gate to Brightsheol.
Saad, thyn heres been wet with olde lif.
Saad, shaken thyn hed and cross in-to neue lif.

[1] Where is Brightsheol in relation to Qud... to Salum?
[2] Is Resheph here?
[3] Am I dead?
[4] Why do you call me Saad?
[5] I've come from the Thick World with a mission: to disable the Spindle's magnetic field. Can you do this for me?
[6] ... [End]


Rainwater Shomer

No Saad Resheph residen her.

[1] Where is Brightsheol in relation to Qud... to Salum?
[2] Am I dead?
[3] Why do you call me Saad?
[4] I've come from the Thick World with a mission: to disable the Spindle's magnetic field. Can you do this for me?
[5] ... [End]


Rainwater Shomer

Alofte of Gjaus a cite twinklen.
And ther the Seraph dremen.
And Brightsheol is the drem.

[1] Am I dead?
[2] What is this place?
[3] Why do you call me Saad?
[4] I've come from the Thick World with a mission: to disable the Spindle's magnetic field. Can you do this for me?
[5] ... [End]


Rainwater Shomer

Artow a Saad of olde Salum, and nou stonden thu at the heigh gate to Brightsheol.

[1] Where is Brightsheol in relation to Qud... to Salum?
[2] Salum? Is that another name for Qud?
[3] Am I dead?
[4] What is this place?
[5] I've come from the Thick World with a mission: to disable the Spindle's magnetic field. Can you do this for me?
[6] ... [End]


Rainwater Shomer

Saad, yis.

[1] Am I dead?
[2] What is this place?
[3] Why do you call me Saad?
[4] I've come from the Thick World with a mission: to disable the Spindle's magnetic field. Can you do this for me?
[5] ... [End]


Rainwater Shomer

*The clothes shrouding Rainwater Shomer's form are still for many moments.*

The shomrim connen. Why oghte we?

[1] Because... I am a Saad, after all.
[2] Shomer, you impudent whelp! Saad Resheph stands before you. Do as I say.
[3] Something changed atop the Spindle. If Brightsheol is indeed connected to the city there, then this change may suggest it's in peril... Available only if the player knows about the dream of Brightsheol. (visiting the Dream node)
[4] Wait. I have more questions to ask.


Rainwater Shomer

*The clothes shrouding Rainwater Shomer's form are still for many moments.*

The shomrim remainen unbilefful.

[1] Where is Brightsheol in relation to Qud... to Salum?
[2] Am I dead?
[3] What is this place?
[4] Why do you call me Saad?
[5] I've come from the Thick World with a mission: to disable the Spindle's magnetic field. Can you do this for me?
[6] ... [End]


Rainwater Shomer

*The clothes shrouding Rainwater Shomer's form remain still.*

[1] One year ago, someone began broadcasting a signal from atop the Spindle. I have a recording of it here...


Rainwater Shomer

*The clothes shrouding Rainwater Shomer's form remain still.*

[1] I ask you: disable the magnetic field so that the Spindle can be ascended and the signal investigated.


Rainwater Shomer

*The clothes shrouding Rainwater Shomer's form are still for many moments.*

Saad, the Seraph sprecen.
Saad, thu asken, and the shomrim assenten.
Saad, wiltou return to Salum or crossen in-to Brightsheol?

[1] If it can be done, return me to Qud. I wish to ascend the Spindle myself.
[2] ... I've shaken the wet life from my hair. Now I shall cross into Brightsheol.
[3] I need time to consider. [End]


Rainwater Shomer

Saad, nou-then return.

[1] I am ready. [End]
[2] I need time to reconsider. [End]


Rainwater Shomer

Saad, nou-then crossen in-to Brightsheol.

[1] I am ready. This will kill the player character and end the game. [End]
[2] I need time to reconsider. [End]