Eating of young

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Eating of young is a recurring theme in Caves of Qud. Most noteably it manifests in Resheph's lore in reference to the Girsh:

In 1 BR, the Gyre widened, and the final plague afflicted the land. The Girsh Nephilim rose from their cradles on the Moon Stair and slouched toward Qud to eat its young. Resheph rose to meet them in battle and cast them back.

One of the reasons that a creature who one can perform the water ritual with can be hated by a specific faction is for “eating one of their young”.[1] Legendary snapjaws in particular can be known as “Snapjaw Tot-eater[s]”[2], although these aren't any more prone to being hated for eating young than usual for a ritualable creature.

One of the load screen quotes reads:[3]

"Now Elohart and Belahind lie in a field of lah
because their fields got hungry and devoured the faundren raw."
-Bey Lah nursery rhyme

The description for bears reads:

Only the familiar nursery rhyme courses through your brain.

The Grizzly Bear is huge and wild;
It has devoured the infant child.
The infant child is unaware;
It has been eaten by the bear.



This information is reliable as of patch
  1. XRL.World.Parts.GenerateFriendOrFoe, method GenerateFriendOrFoe
  2. XRL.World.Encounters.EncounterObjectBuilders.SnapjawHero1, method BuildObject
  3. Books.xml, in the book with ID Quotes