- 1 Welcome
- 2 Chavvah
- 3 Chime
- 4 Work
- 5 Work2
- 6 ActiveQuest
- 7 DoneQuest
- 8 Accept
- 9 Tau
- 10 Name
- 11 ManySelves
- 12 Physiology
- 13 Physiology2
- 14 BarathrumChavvahDone
- 15 BarathrumChavvahDone2
- 16 Barathrum
- 17 Ascent
- 18 Gyredream
- 19 GyredreamMore
- 20 WillYouHelp
- 21 WillYouHelp2
- 22 WillYouHelp_ChavvahFinished
- 23 Landing Pads
We share the bright and now, traveler =name=.
This keter roams above my trunk at Eyn Roj, traveler =name=, and across the Stair I dream. You found me, this keter where I chime in dozens.
Ah, I am in need, and so I turned my chimes trunkward to tune. You struck the chime and now you are here. Are you a waterhand, and free?
My chimeling Tau leaves Chavvah, leaves me. It is her choice.
Her transit-psyche manifests at the bottom of Taproot, where we cannot consciously go. To finish the ritual of -elseing, to let Tau become -else, I need a traveler such as you, =name=.
Take Tau's chime, silent and still. Carry it to the bottom of Taproot, deep under my trunk, where she will make the chime her transit-body and walk away forever. Finish the ritual of -elseing.
At the bottom of Taproot, Tau manifests. She tells us, too, that another waits for her there.
[1] I will do as you ask. | Gives the ![]() |
[2] I have more to ask, first. |
Take Tau's chime, silent and still. Carry it to the bottom of Taproot, deep under my trunk, where she will make the chime her transit-body and walk away forever. Finish the ritual of -elseing.
At the bottom of Taproot, Tau manifests. She tells us, too, that another waits for her there.
So you have, and what proceeds, proceeds.
I felt your coming here, =name=, in Gyredream. I've felt this moment. I feel it now.
The ritual of -elseing is complete, waterhand. You are done, and with our thanks.
[1] Live and drink. | [Complete Quest Step: Return to the Keter] [End]
Thank you, traveler =name=.
[1] ... |
My chimeling, burning bright, all starlight and right angles in her heart. She leaves Chavvah; it is her choice. I..
A sophist of the Self spilled ink and called me, long ago, the Tree of Life. To me, I am the many Selves pinched up my taproot from the permeating Soft.
I am Chavvah, and I am dyvvrach.
As Chavvah I am many. As dyvvrach I am one. I am one and many. One-selves have called me tree city, the sentient place. You may think of the Selves this way, sprouted in keter from Twofirm.
[1] Twofirm? |
Deep under earth and permeating our roots is Soft, our feeling substance. Ground pressure pushes it up the taproot to our trunk, where it condenses into Twofirm: the biformal phase that contains the two sefirots, -then and -else.
This is the genesis my distinct Self, an awareness that contains both -then, what I will become, and -else, what I will not. Twofirm flows up my sapwood to the keter, where -then manifests as an entity and I chime: I speak and hear the world.
*Dyvvrach chimes*
[1] ... |
You have completed the ritual of -elseing. You have set bright Tau free.
Yes, =name=. I will turn my chimes Spindleward to tune, then vibrate at our verve frequency. I will power your starclimb.
Be vested to tell whoever you must that Chavvah has made this commitment.
I start at this but Tikva settles me. I remember now: from a cub I've known Barathrum to be weak in telling but bold in asking. A starclimb? You mean, an ascent to the long chiming rock?
oh. This. Was this felt in gyredream? Your coming to keter? I ask, do not answer.
A future shock. My chimeling _ is vision-gifted, a lichen who clings to shorerock on the straits of Tomorrow. Just a short time ago a sea wave crested and broke beneath her, and she saw in its recession all the bright and violent channel paths.
We all felt it. A recoming, and the gyre in final tension. I felt...
It was too much for my chimeling Tau. She gasped for air and her chime stilled. She leaves us now, to become -else. It is her choice.
*Dyvvrach chimes*
[1] ... |
I will power his starclimb. If you take Tau's chime to taproot, for her to walk away. If you finish the ritual of -elseing.
[1] The ritual of -elseing? | Only available if the player hasn't accepted If, Then, Else |
[2] I see. |
*Dyvvrach chimes*
[1] ... |
Landing Pads
Again I must be calmed, but the startling gives way to a curiosity. You speak of the glowfolk, belimbed and free. You would have them join us, like our Sant?
We find no precedent for this, yet is there space upon our crystal arms and an openness within us. It is agreed: if these slynth will be of us, we will have them here.
I startle, and the roiling is felt before the calm. I cannot find a consensus for the housing of these beings, =name=. I am sorry.
We await the decision of the glowfolk. Our imaginations run with the possibilities.
How this keter rustles! The slynth are among us and we adapt, our impressions a melange of excitement, apprehension, and wonder.
Though I have no single sentiment to express, we nonetheless approach -then with our new companions.
You are well-found, =name=. Though several have chosen their -else, the first of the slynth have joined to us like our Sant, mobile and apart but shared and together. This is a strange -then, but what branches may spill forth from it? I anticipate the witnessing.