Build Library/Archive
This is an archive of builds that used the old way to generate codes. Cryptogull has compatability, but has no way of converting between the two versions. Readers may recreate it based off of the stats and mutatations/cybernetics.
Medium Builds
Comment: Was a build created by choosing random, but has fun synergy with Time Dilation making up for the speed penalty from Double-muscled and Two-Hearted. Brittle bones adds a difficulty hurdle at the start but overcoming it will reward you with an unconventional but fun build!
Comment: A hero from the past to save the future! Use your Adrenal Control to speed through time to come down fast on enemies. Early on Temporal Fugue lets you summon a friend in your time of need, later on it lets you assemble a fearsome squad that you can let loose on your enemies. Your clones make excellent use of Adrenal Control to maximize your action economy. Use the pet either/or if you are a patron for max roleplay. By: Wrbrgrgl
Comment: A build that focuses more on how fun the chimera system is. The main concept is Chimera and 5 unstable genomes; the stats and calling can be tweaked to your liking!
Challenge Builds
Comment: Fun times abound! Use clever turrets and classic cheese to finish the main quest as the legendary 12 kin!
Build Club Archive
Build Club is a little event in the official Caves of Qud Discord where players play the same build and world seed for a week. The seeds and short stories/art are not included here, but feel free to play these in whatever order you wish! The majority of these builds lean towards the beginner friendly - medium difficulty scale.
Comment: Biweek 21 of Build Club. Recommended strats: Max Photosynth Skin, Max Regeneration, spend 3 points in willpower for 32 will with serene visage.
By: Mallorn (estimated difficulty: Medium)
Comment: "She called it an anti-seed. Plant it in something and watch it die."
Biweek 20 of Build Club. Suggestion for start of play: Buy a rifle and some bullets from the dromad
Optional Mod suggestions:
- Starapple Valley & Qudlorful Pigments for if you want to collect seeds and start to grow things.
- Qud Rides - Wish for an autocycle when you spawn but not for selling.
By: acegiak (estimated difficulty: Medium)
Comment: Biweek 19 of Build Club.
CONDUCT: Prefer indirect combat/fleeing. Don't kill legendary creatures. Make sure you don't act against Bey Lah's interests.
- Shalla was exiled from Bey Lah for studying tinkering after causing an explosion that injured her hearing and another Hindren
- She didn't give up and honed her craft with a sect of wandering Barathrumites, who sent her on her way once they believed she was ready and imparted on her the importance of exploration to learn
- They leave her in the desert canyons, where she can learn about how to travel the world more safely
By: Crom (estimated difficulty: Medium)
Comment: Biweek 18 of Build Club. This is a build for easily learning and mitigating the negative effects of the Cloaca Surprise, taught by
Slog of the Cloaca, the legendary mollusk at the bottom of Golgotha. Bring slime.
By: eva (estimated difficulty: Medium)
- Hemophilia has been removed from the game and is no longer a choosable Physical Defect Mutation, thus this build no longer functions and the build code is invalid on updated versions of the game. -ComradeZephyr
- A version that replaces Hemophilia with Tonic Allergy is BHLOMKKJBJBNBOB3CMDA, which is a similar(if not even easier to deal with) 4pt gimme. Teamtoto (talk) 23:54, 10 March 2021 (UTC)
Comment: Week 17 of Build Club.
Conduct stipulations: prioritize cooking, short blades, acrobatics, and dual wield. Enable multiple defects and disable permadeath, but you are limited to 5 deaths.
By: chartreuse (estimated difficulty: Difficult)
Comment: Week 16 of Build Club. A nice backup psyker spider build. Spinnerets allow you to stall fights, phasing allows you to stall fights, confusion lets you stall fights and lower an enemy's willpower, and syphon vim slowly syphons vim.
Fun fact: Confusion stacks forever, lasts forever if you keep casting it.
By: Mallorn (estimated difficulty: Medium)
Comment: Week 15 of Build Club. This is a build to explore the billowing conch of the Aji as a panic button.
By: Kirt Qudmire (estimated difficulty: Medium)
Comment: Week 14 of Build Club. As the first ever Time Warden, you've trained your whole life to fix a preventable second apocalypse. By traveling back in time, you will investigate the state of the world, find what you can about the Eaters and their technology, and do everything in your power to prevent the abuse of their technology that lead to the second cataclysm. This is intended to be used with the [martial arts skill mod]
By: Crom (estimated difficulty: Medium)
Comment: Week 13 of Build Club. Find spectacles or die trying! By: Grym (estimated difficulty: Medium)
Comment: Week 12 of Build Club. Collect all the friends! By: Eva (estimated difficulty: Medium)
Comment: Week 11 of Build Club. One of a two-headed scholar's heads has full control over its body, though the other can talk. after years of study, they have finally found a way to give their brethren a body of their own, but at the cost of another creatures, which the two have agreed to do.
CONDUCT: You may adventure as long as you want with the character from the start, but at some point you should use the swap wish to permanently change creatures and leave your old self behind. By: Crom (estimated difficulty: ??)
- Hemophilia has been removed from the game and is no longer a choosable Physical Defect Mutation, thus this build no longer functions and the build code is invalid on updated versions of the game. However, if a player wishes to make their own build in the spirit of this one without using Wish commands the player should consider the Domination Mutation. While the Domination Mutation is not permanent, it still allows the player to take control of another creature's body psychically, manipulating it as if it was their own. One could potentially roleplay that the their character is attempting to find a way of extending the Domination power permanently in order to give their brethren a body of their own, but all current attempts to do so have failed. As you level Domination the duration of the control increases, edging closer to your character's goal of freedom. -ComradeZephyr
Comment: Week 10 of Build Club. Based on the self same character in Carbide Chef and Opal in the Monochrome. CONDUCT: “warden” - no attacking neutral/friendly creatures, minimize collateral damage. if you anger a formerly neutral creature, prioritize escape over self-defense. By: Eva (estimated difficulty: Easy)
Comment: Week 9 of Build Club. Play as a half fire dragon, half human! By: NalathniDragon (estimated difficulty: Easy)
Comment: Week 8 of Build Club. CONDUCT: “Checkpoints” - disable autosave and permadeath, enable save/load. Save your game after finishing quests and upon reaching a new village or settlement, restart from that save if you die. (emergency checkpoints are fine if you have to close out) By: Caelyn (estimated difficulty: Difficult)
Comment: Week 7 of Build Club. Play as a sentient cactus who wants to bring flora back into the salt desert. By: helado (estimated difficulty: Easy)
Comment: Week 6 of Build Club. Based off of the very same in the Carbide Chef series. Highly focused on cooking, so you can get Carbide Chef by level 2. By: Eva (estimated difficulty: Easy)
Comment: Week 5 of Build Club. Focus on dodging and being intangible to your enemies! By: Grym (estimated difficulty: Easy)
Comment: Week 4 of Build Club. Based on a unofficial (at the time, now official) race of underground pangolins! By: Caelyn (estimated difficulty: Easy)
Comment: Week 3 of Build Club. Very beginner friendly, with nigh infinite penetration using carbide fists. (estimated difficulty: Easy)
Comment: Week 2 of Build Club. By: Ivy (estimated difficulty: Easy)
Comment: Week 1 of Build Club. A very beginner friendly build. (estimated difficulty: Easy)