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This article has information that is missing or not up to par.
Reason: May need to be ordered properly, also needs TODOs filled in
Aoyg-No-Longer, servant of Ptoh in the Cosmic Wood
Begone. Fate has not yet shaped you, utensil.
Aoyg-No-Longer, servant of Ptoh in the Cosmic Wood
The utensil arrives. You, to prune the fate-rhizome and free our girl. Go now and perform the motion.
Aoyg-No-Longer, servant of Ptoh in the Cosmic Wood
Utensil? That is my avocation, yes. A million sun-dead homes I've roved, a trillion more await. I'm a worm in the loam of a cosmic wood, perched on a cosmic gulf, swathed in the god-manifold.
Aoyg-No-Longer, servant of Ptoh in the Cosmic Wood
Prune! The utensil prunes! -but no, the utensil quivers in uncertainty and vibrates out a question?
The self is riddled with category errors. The thinking brain mistakes formation for meaning.
Aoyg-No-Longer, servant of Ptoh in the Cosmic Wood
Maggot! What do you think words are? Arrows of inquiry? Words are bricks. Each spoken is laid in bond and builds your prison. There is no understanding.
Aoyg-No-Longer, servant of Ptoh in the Cosmic Wood
You tarry on the future's boundary with abandon, utensil. Throw your brick if you dare.
Aoyg-No-Longer, servant of Ptoh in the Cosmic Wood
Give her your parting words, utensil. Our hearts are in elsewhere.
Aoyg-No-Longer, servant of Ptoh in the Cosmic Wood
You thrived at the performance of a pruning motion, utensil. Now store yourself until Fate reshapes you.
The end.
If the player killed Tau
Aoyg-No-Longer, servant of Ptoh in the Cosmic Wood
Begone from me, stardimmer. Your own hand has vaporized your purpose.